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The ENETIQA group has grown. Liberec heating plant has completed its acquisition of WARMNIS
15. 1. 2025
Teplárna Liberec, a. s., a member of the energy group ENETIQA, has successfully completed the acquisition of WARMNIS spol. s.r.o., which became its subsidiary from 31 December 2024.
Pour féliciter 2025
31. 12. 2024
Merry Christmas ad Happy New Year
ENETIQA Group has its own trading company ENETIQA Trading s.r.o.
16. 4. 2024
The new company ENETIQA Trading s.r.o. deals with electricity and gas trading. It is another subsidiary of ENETIQA a.s. and thus expanded the ENETIQA group. The creation of the new company is a response to the constantly changing situation in the energy markets in the recent past. Its main goal is to respond to market developments in a timely manner, proactively act on it and optimize the use of our flexible assets.
Pour féliciter 2024
11. 12. 2023
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Teplárna Liberec, member of ENETIQA Group, will complete the GreenNet project, investing over a billion Czech crowns in the modernization of the heat distribution networks.
4. 12. 2023
Today, the general meeting of Teplárna Liberec approved the replacement of the remaining two steam pipes with hot water pipes. As part of the modernization, 24 kilometres of distribution lines as well as 85 exchange and transfer stations will be replaced. Related investments will take place not only in the heating plant itself but also in the TERMIZO municipal waste incinerator, from which the heating plant currently sources hot steam. The total investment is over one billion crowns and will be completed in the autumn of 2025. The modernization will reduce heat transport losses by 25% and thus also greenhouse gas emissions and the dependence of heat production on natural gas.
ENETIQA has been operating on the Czech market for 30 years
6. 10. 2023
ENETIQA company is celebrating 30 years of operation in the Czech Republic. First appearing on the Czech market on October 6, 1993, under the name EPS ČR, it was primarily engaged in the provision of energy services. In 1999, it became part of the German energy concern MVV Energie AG. In subsequent years, the purchase of heating plants created a group of companies covered by the company title MVV Energie CZ from 2002. This group expanded over time, establishing a separate EPC division dealing with the implementation of energy-saving projects. The new owner of the group as of December 2022 is the independent European investment group Cube Infrastructure Managers based in Luxembourg, through which the company changed its name to ENETIQA a.s.
Personnel changes in the ENETIQA group
3. 4. 2023
The new director of the strategy and development department of ENETIQA a.s. from 1 April 2023 is Ivo Slavotínek, who has worked in the company since 2021 as director of the energy services business.
MVV Energie CZ has a new owner
2. 1. 2023
The company Cube III Energy CZ s.r.o. is the new owner of MVV Energie CZ a.s. as of 9th December 2022. Cube III Energy CZ s.r.o. is part of Cube Infrastructure Managers, an independent European investment company focused on medium-sized infrastructure projects.
Pour féliciter 2023
19. 12. 2022
Merry Christmas ad Happy New Year
After the change of ownership, MVV Energie CZ is called ENETIQA
12. 12. 2022
The company Cube III Energy CZ s.r.o. is the new owner of MVV Energie CZ a.s. from December 9, 2022, which will bear the new name ENETIQA a.s. from January 1, 2023.
The MVV Energie CZ Group has contractually secured gas supplies for 2023, and will thus increase heat prices by only tens of percent
6. 12. 2022
Heating plants from the MVV Energie CZ energy group, which provide heat for 70,000 households and hundreds of companies and organizations, are to increase heat prices next year by between 12 and 60%, depending on the fuel used. Prices will increase only in the order of tens of percent, even though resource prices , especially gas, have increased by an order of magnitude more. The price increase for end customers will take effect from 1 January 2023.
MVV Energie CZ is to implement the largest EPC contract for the municipality
6. 12. 2022
The city of České Budějovice is investing over 300 million crowns in energy savings in its 10 buildings. In terms of volume, this is the largest so-called Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) contract for municipalities in the Czech Republic to date. For heat consumption, annual consumption savings will reach roughly 35%, for water up to 20%, and electricity consumption will drop by almost 50%. The investment and construction phase, to be completed at the end of 2023, as well as the subsequent guarantee of the achieved savings, will be implemented by the energy group MVV Energie CZ, specifically the energy services division.
Personnel changes in the MVV Energie CZ group
3. 10. 2022
The new chairman of the board of directors of TERMO Děčín a.s. as of 1. October 2022 is Jan Sedláček, who since 2020 has been and remains the chairman of the board of Teplárna Liberec a.s.
MVV Energie AG signs agreement to sell its Czech subsidiary MVV Energie CZ to Cube Infrastructure Managers
18. 8. 2022
MVV Energie AG (“MVV”), a leading German energy company, has signed an agreement to sell 100% of its Czech activities (“MVV Energie CZ”) to Cube Infrastructure Managers (“Cube”), an independent European mid-market infrastructure investor, through its Cube Infrastructure Fund III.
Change in the Board of Directors of MVV Energie CZ a.s.
13. 6. 2022
As of 13 June 2022, Jan Vencour has become a new member of the Board of Directors of MVV Energie CZ a.s. He replaces Jaroslav Pantůček in the management of the company, who is leaving the company to take up the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of the state-owned company MERO ČR.
The MVV Group has significantly strengthened its energy services division and is acquiring new projects
9. 5. 2022
The energy group MVV Energie CZ plans to increase the number and volume of projects reducing the energy consumption of buildings, so-called Energy Performance Contracting (EPC), in the next period. The energy services division in charge of this type of procurement has therefore grown significantly. Two leading figures in the domestic energy saving industry are now working in it - Ivo Slavotínek and Valentýn Avramov. Both were involved in the largest successful EPC projects carried out in recent years in the Czech Republic.
Most recently, the division has won two public contracts for EPC projects at Kosmonosy Psychiatric Hospital. The project in Sadská is worth CZK 17.3 million while the comprehensive EPC project in the main Kosmonosy area is worth CZK 92.8 million.
Personnel changes in the MVV Energie CZ group
30. 3. 2022
With effect from 1 April 2022 there is a new member on the Board of Directors of Teplárna Liberec, a.s. and also on the Board of Directors of TERMIZO a.s., Petr Boukal. He has already worked in the MVV Energie CZ Group, from 2016-2018, when he was a member of the Board of Directors of ENERGIE Holding a.s. In both companies, he will manage the technology department and operations.
The MVV energy group maintained stable economic results in the financial year 2020-2021
15. 3. 2022
The MVV Energie CZ (MVV) energy group achieved a positive consolidated operating profit in the financial year 2020-2021. The Group's total revenues in the period under review reached almost CZK 2.1 billion, 1.2% more than in the previous fiscal year. This mainly resulted from higher sales in the Group's companies, given the extended heating season caused by the long, colder winter, and favorable commodity prices for most of the period under review. MVV also intensively developed energy services projects such as Energy Contracting (EC) and Energy Performance Contracting (EPC).
MVV group comes up with a new product and energy solution tailored to developers
25. 1. 2022
The new innovative product Develore of MVV Energie CZ group combines cost-saving measures in the area of heat and electricity production and supply, and investment capital for developers. The solution also brings benefits for end users – owners and tenants of all types of real estate. The new service was created in collaboration with the innovative IdeaSense studio through the Human Centered Design approach. The creator of the visual identity is SDMK Design.
Jakub Hlavica heads the strategy department at MVV
5. 1. 2022
An experienced manager specialising in the energy market, Jakub Hlavica, MBA, takes over the management of the strategy department at MVV Energie CZ a.s. on 3 January 2022 from Branislav Posuch. Together with the top management, he will focus on the development of projects in the Group and the setting up of new processes responding to the dynamic evolution of the energy environment.
Pour féliciter 2022
16. 12. 2021
Merry Christmas ad Happy New Year
MVV energy group in Uherské Hradiště is withdrawing from coal, which will be replaced by natural gas and non-recyclable waste
10. 12. 2021
Negotiations on the modernization of the heating plant in Uherské Hradiště have taken two years. Yesterday's General Meeting of CTZ s.r.o., which is a joint venture of the energy company MVV Energie CZ a.s. and the town of Uherské Hradiště, decided to replace coal dust with a new fuel mix, which will be a combination of natural gas and non-recyclable municipal waste. The transition from coal to new sources in the heating plant's fuel mix was also approved by the Uherské Hradiště city council.
After Liberec, Vsetín too has a charging station for electric cars
6. 12. 2021
Our public fast charging station was recently opened in the shopping zone in Ohrada near Jysk by our subsidiary Zásobování teplem Vsetín a.s.
MVV Energie CZ: The supply of heat to households will continue without fluctuations and without multiple increases in prices
25. 11. 2021
Heating plants from the MVV Energie CZ energy group will increase heat prices in the range of 6 to 60%. In some locations, the prices will remain the same as this year. This depends on the fuel they use. The group, which provides heat to 70,000 households, and hundreds of companies and organizations, will pass on to customers‘ heating prices only a part of the rapidly rising costs of buying gas. Prices for end consumers will increase from 1 January 2022.
Teplárna Liberec launches the fastest electric car charger in the city
18. 11. 2021
With the highest output of 75 kW in Liberec, a new charging station for electric cars has been launched.
In Uherské Hradiště, they are moving towards the use of municipal waste and gas
16. 11. 2021
The combination of the gradual conversion of non-recyclable municipal waste into heat, together with natural gas in the Mařatice heating plant fuel mix, should replace coal in the future. This was decided on Monday, November 15, 2021 at the Committee meeting of the Uherské Hradiště City, which with MVV Energie CZ a.s. is a co-owner of CTZ s.r.o. operating this heating plant. The decision has yet to be confirmed by City representatives.
The ZEVO project for small and medium-sized cities has its first positive assessment of EIA documentation
8. 10. 2021
The MVV Group's project for the construction of waste-to-energy facility (ZEVO), tailored to small and medium-sized towns in the Czech Republic in which central heat supply systems operate, has received its first positive decision of EIA documentation. This was granted by the Department of Environment and Agriculture for the Zlín Region, and concerns the intention to build a facility in Vsetín.
We have expanded our collection of Crystal Chimneys – thanks to the GreenNet project in Liberec
17. 9. 2021
The Crystal Chimney, awarded annually by the Heating Association of the Czech Republic, is perceived as the Oscar in the field of energy. Our MVV group collection has recently expanded with another valuable statuette: the association appreciated the extensive GreenNet project, which our subsidiary Teplárna Liberec implemented between 2018 and 2020 in the Liberec districts of Pavlovice and Ruprechtice.
Round tables for the modernization of the Mařatice heating plant in Uherské Hradiště brought new information
2. 9. 2021
On Tuesday, August 31, and on Wednesday, September 1, public discussions on the modernization of the heating plant in Mařatice took place in the Uherské Hradiště Culture Club. Representatives of our subsidiary CTZ and external experts presented additional information and answers to questions raised by representatives of the City of Uherské Hradiště and representatives of the Čisté Hradiště initiative on the topic of modernization. The subsequent discussion was also attended by representatives of the Zlín region, including the statutory deputy governor Hana Ančincová.
In Litoměřice, another step away from coal
25. 6. 2021
Replacing coal in the fuel mix is a medium-term goal of ENERGIE Holding, which supplies heat and hot water to thousands of households in Litoměřice, as well as a municipal hospital and a number of other institutions. From the end of June, the fulfillment of this vision will be closer. As part of the modernization of heat sources, the new gas boiler room with an exchanger station in Havlíčková Street has been equipped with a top-notch, gas hot water boiler Bosch UNIMAT UT-M 34 × 16, supplied by the manufacturer Bosch Termotechnika s.r.o. in cooperation with the assembly partner OL Energy s.r.o. This boiler has a minimum efficiency of 95.5%, with low noise, a unique minimization of flue gas emissions, and connection to the central heat supply system.
Approaching decarbonization in Uherské Hradiště
25. 5. 2021
Experts from Brno University of Technology, Institute of Process Engineering, have completed a study of the modernization of the Mařatice heating plant in Uherské Hradiště. Yesterday, they presented the results of this study to representatives of Uherské Hradiště, journalists and the public. The Mařatice heating plant is operated by CTZ s.r.o., owned by MVV Energie CZ a.s. (50.96%) and the City of Uherské Hradiště (49.04%).
Ecology connects MVV projects around the world, shows the new issue of our magazine
29. 4. 2021
Did you know that our MVV group is behind major renewable energy projects in Japan or Australia? What activities aimed at climate neutrality do we invest in in the Czech Republic? We focus on these topics in the current issue of our MVV group magazine. In this spring issue, we describe the record EPC project in the Ústí Region and note the growing interest in geothermal sources. We also introduce a new, in many respects unique, offer for developers, and how the smart city concept affects energy.
To energy in a smart way – thanks to a new application, anywhere, anytime
21. 4. 2021
MVV has come up with a new benefit in its Smart House Vision projects. In addition to the guarantee of a favorable price for electricity, customers now have a new MVV online application available free of charge and without ads.
The economic results of the MVV energy group remains stable – investments in greening grew
16. 3. 2021
MVV Energie CZ energy group, among the leading energy producers and distributors in the Czech Republic, reported stable economic results in the financial year 2019–2020, despite the turbulent times. The coronavirus pandemic resulted in higher operating costs. Thanks to the measures taken, however, it managed to supply heat, electricity and water even in the most demanding moments in all cities and municipalities where the MVV group operates. The monitored period was also marked by the preparation or implementation of a number of ecological projects and new services. The Group has been investing in fossil-free technologies and renewable energy sources (RES) for several years now.
Pardubice Region will save another 36 million crowns for energy; the EPC method will also help the environment
21. 1. 2021
The modernization of technological equipment was completed in ten buildings owned by the Pardubice Region. Thanks to the progressive EPC (Energy Performance Contracting) method, the measures will save 36.6 million crowns over 11 years, which is guaranteed to the Region by the supplier of this large-scale project, the company MVV Energie CZ, who have invested 25.6 million crowns in the modernization of energy management.
Pour féliciter 2021
7. 12. 2020
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MVV News: Coronavirus brought us together. We are developing further cooperation with cities and preparing new products
10. 9. 2020
What did the quarantine and covid-19 measures at MVV look like in our regions? What does the corona crisis mean for the economy, and the further direction of MVV? And how is it that the virus did not slow down the preparation of a number of new innovative projects? You can read all about it in this year's issue of MVV magazine.
EPC projects will save tens of millions in energy, helping to improve the air in the Ústí nad Labem region
8. 9. 2020
Significant investment projects are expected for several dozen buildings in the Ústí region this year. Their energy management will undergo complete modernization through EPC (Energy Performance Contracting) projects, which will lead to lower energy costs. The company MVV Energie CZ a.s., which succeeded in the tender of the Ústí nad Labem region, is ensuring the modernization of the buildings and, in addition, guarantees that energy savings will be made to the extent submitted in the offer. All work and technology will be covered by future savings. This minimizes direct investments by the region, and the money saved can be used for other investment projects.
The market for EPC projects is growing due to its minimal burden on public budgets, and environmental subsidies
6. 8. 2020
Efforts to reduce CO2 emissions, significant support from EU funds, but also the clear imperative for energy savings, are behind the increased public interest in Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) projects. This is a comprehensive service, including the design of energy saving measures, their preparation and implementation, as well as subsequent energy management. One of the pioneers and leaders of the industry is MVV Energie CZ a.s.
Jan Sedláček becomes new CEO of Teplárna Liberec
1. 7. 2020
As of today, Jan Sedláček becomes the new Chairman of the Board of Directors of Teplárna Liberec, a.s. He will be responsible for company strategy, finance and business. He replaces Martin Pěnčík in the management of Teplárna Liberec, who is leaving the company for personal reasons.
Martin Hvozda again vice-chairman of APES
26. 6. 2020
Bc. Martin Hvozda, manager of the energy services division of MVV Energie CZ a.s., defended the position of vice-chairman of the Board of the Association of Energy Service Providers (APES).
MVV Energie CZ changed address
1. 6. 2020
The parent company of the MVV Energie CZ energy group has changed its address and registered office. From June 1, 2020, you can find us in Jinonice, Prague.
MVV Energie CZ group reported stable results, parent company MVV Energie AG acquired a new shareholder
3. 4. 2020
The energy group MVV Energie CZ increased revenues in the fiscal year 2018–2019 compared to the previous period from CZK 1.984 billion to CZK 2.031 billion. Operating profit decreased by 6.3% year-on-year to CZK 305 million. However, the company's overall financial stability increased. A minority share of 45.1% in the parent company MVV Energie AG, based in Mannheim, Germany, it has been acquired by the First State Investments pension fund.
CEO of MVV Jörg Lüdorf and Mayor of Uherské Hradiště Stanislav Blaha have signed a Memorandum of Understanding
23. 1. 2020
The aim of cooperation between MVV Energie CZ a.s. and the City of Uherské Hradiště, co-owners of our subsidiary CTZ s.r.o., is preparation for changing the fuel mix in the coal heating plant in Mařatice. The switchover to other fuels should ensure long-term stable heat prices and minimize the environmental impact of the heating plant, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions and avoiding dust from the current coal dump.
Pour féliciter 2020
4. 12. 2019
Merry Christmas ad Happy New Year
MVV Energie CZ celebrated the 20th anniversary of the arrival of its strategic partner and announced its withdrawal from coal by 2030
21. 11. 2019
An ambitious plan to reduce the current one fifth share of coal in heat and electricity production by 2030 was recently presented by the energy group MVV Energie CZ. This happened on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the joining of its strategic partner – MVV Energie AG, a city company based in Mannheim, Germany.
GreenNet in Pelhřimov awarded the Business Project of the Year 2019 award
20. 11. 2019
Our subsidiary IROMEZ s.r.o. from Pelhřimov has won the category of Saving Energy from Renewable Sources in the Business Project of the Year 2019 competition. This was due to the successful GreenNet project, which involved a comprehensive renovation of the hot water network. The judges highlighted the resolution of losses in heat supply and the fact that the project contributed to air quality. Its preparation and implementation took almost four years and were co-financed from the program Call I of the Energy Saving Program in the SZT OP PIK.
MVV News: Energy is undergoing a huge change. And we build on ecology, innovations and cooperation with communities
3. 9. 2019
Two big interviews with the top management of our company can be found in the autumn issue of our MVV magazine. Jörg Lüdorf, CEO of MVV Energie CZ a.s., shared his views on the Group's development and our key projects. Jaroslav Pantůček, Member of the Board of Directors, describes the development of the entire industry.
New MVV’s energy project will bring to Horní Slavkov a guaranteed savings of 14 million
4. 7. 2019
MVV Energie CZ is now implementing two new energy savings projects with a guaranteed result, the EPC method. The first includes EPC measures at eight buildings in the town of Horní Slavkov in the Karlovy Vary region, where it also carries out active energy management. The other is the third stage of the EPC project in the SMOSK building in Prague.
MVV receive another Crystal Chimney for customer care
25. 4. 2019
MVV have retained the prestigious Project of the Year award in the category 'Improving Services and Customer Care', which was announced again by the Czech Association for District Heating after its successful premiere last year. The long-term partnership project with ČESKOLIPSKÉ TEPLÁRENSKÉ customers ranked among the top five heating projects in 2018. The management of the company received the Crystal Chimney from Chief Executive Officer of TSČR Tomáš Drápela at the gala evening of the District Heating and Energy Days on 24 April 2019 in Hradec Králové.
We rely on renewable energy and continue to increase our distribution system efficiency
18. 4. 2019
Investments and savings. These two processes define the activities of our MVV Energie CZ energy group ever more fully. We are constantly investing in reducing emissions and increasing energy distribution efficiency. At the same time, we are developing energy saving projects and thus saving our customers costs.
Jaromír Prokop has become new Managing Director of IROMEZ
2. 4. 2019
Jaromír Prokop was elected to the position of Managing Director of IROMEZ s.r.o. with effect from 1 April 2019. He has been with the MVV Group as Capital Participation Manager in the parent company since 2014 and also a member of the supervisory boards of CTZ s.r.o. and Teplárna Liberec, a.s. He will lead IROMEZ together with the current Managing Director Hana Zíková and will be responsible for operational and technical management.
Savings of CZK 26 million for clients and three new projects – an overview of MVV energy services for 2018
13. 2. 2019
MVV Energie CZ a.s. is among three most significant providers of energy-efficient projects using the EPC method (Energy Performance Contracting), which offers guaranteed savings. In 2018, it helped save its customers a total of CZK 26 million on energy costs, similar to the previous year.
Personnel changes in the MVV Energie CZ group
7. 1. 2019
From 1 January 2019, MVV Strategy is headed by Branislav Posuch. At the same time, Martin Pěnčík became the new Chairman of the Board of Directors of Teplárna Liberec.
Jaroslav Pantůček becomes new CFO of MVV
19. 7. 2018
As of today, Jaroslav Pantůček becomes the new Member of the Board of Directors of the Czech energy group MVV Energie CZ a.s. He will be responsible for Finance and Information Technologies in the group.
Jörg Lüdorf becomes new CEO of MVV Energie CZ. Jiří Koptík and Libor Žížala leave the group
29. 5. 2018
Mr. Jörg Lüdorf (56) has been appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Czech energy group MVV. Jörg Lüdorf has spent more than 20 years managing international companies and drawing on experience in energy, facility management, services and insurance. He has worked in the management of companies in Germany and abroad, including Eastern European countries as well.
Our results are stable thanks to a pro-customer approach – Jiří Koptík assesses the year 2017
14. 3. 2018
„Also, in 2017, we have successfully implemented loyalty programs, which reflects our customers’ high levels of satisfaction. We achieved excellent business results in an energy market undergoing a number of technical and regulatory changes. Now we are continuing the wide-ranging modernization projects of GreenNet in Liberec and Pelhřimov,“ says Jiří Koptík, Chairman of the Board of Directors of MVV Energie CZ.
The new MVV logo emphasizes a focus on innovative solutions and customer service
18. 10. 2017
The energy group MVV Energie CZ is introducing a new visual style in October. This is based on spatial color loops, expressing energy and emphasizing the diversity of the group's portfolio.
Our customers appreciate our long-term stability, says Jiří Koptík
12. 1. 2017
Contrary to the situation in the energy sector, MVV Energie CZ Group achieved stable results. Its turnover in the financial year 2015–2016 was CZK 2.1 billion. It also became the first heating company to offer its customers a comprehensive loyalty program. Thanks to the successful implementation of this, it strengthened its position on the Czech energy market. At the same time the Group is preparing two major investment projects worth hundreds of millions.
MVV Energie CZ Group sold 716 thousand MWh of heat and 193 thousand MWh of electricity and its turnover reached CZK 2.3 billion
5. 1. 2016
MVV Energie CZ Group has confirmed the high stability of its financial management and its readiness for future developments within the industry. For the financial year 2014–2015, the Group's results can be found in the Annual Report.
New composition of the Supervisory Board of MVV Energie CZ
7. 1. 2015
From 1 January 2015, the new composition of the Supervisory Board of MVV Energie CZ a.s. currently consists of the following six members: Udo Bekker, Dr. Hansjörg Roll, Ralf Klöpfer, Daniela Kirchner, Dr. Anton Bergmann and Dr. iur. Martin Auer.
MVV Energie CZ Group sold 750 thousand MWh of heat and 199 thousand MWh of electricity and its turnover reached CZK 2.5 billion
5. 1. 2015
MVV Energie CZ Group has confirmed the high stability of its financial management and its readiness for future developments within the industry. For the financial year 2013–2014, the turnover achieved a value of CZK 2.5 billion. The Group's results can be found in the Annual Report.
Jiri Koptik appointed as CEO of MVV Energie CZ
24. 10. 2014
Jiri Koptik (39), an experienced manager in the Czech energy market, has been appointed as the new CEO of the Czech subgroup of the Mannheim-based energy company MVV Energie from 1 November 2014. As announced by the company in Mannheim and Prague on Friday, Koptik will thus succeed Vaclav Hrach, who left the company of his own volition in the spring. Together with the existing executive board member Libor Žížala, Koptik will supplement the company’s management.
Jitka Kafková and Libor Žížala are new members of the Board of Directors of MVV Energie CZ Group
7. 2. 2014
On 15 January 2014 Jitka Kafková (36) and Libor Žížala (39) were appointed as new members of the Board of MVV Energie CZ a.s. by decision of the sole shareholder. The appointment came after Václav Hrach left the Board of Directors at his own behest.
Changes in the management of MVV Energie CZ
17. 1. 2014
Vaclav Hrach to leave MVV Energie CZ, Jitka Kafková and Libor Žížala temporarily assume company management.
TERMIZO will transform an environmental threat into heat and electricity for the residents of Liberec
9. 1. 2014
TERMIZO a.s. will dispose of a waste dump at the locality of Arnoltice-Bulovka in the Liberec district originating from illegal business. It consists of mixed plastics and textiles amounting to about 9,000 tons that were transported here in the past and it also appears that part of the waste comes from Germany. The German competent authority for dealing with illegal transport of waste, SAA Sonderabfallagentur Baden-Württemberg GmbH, called a tender for the disposal of the waste which was won by Termizo, part of the business concern MVV Energie CZ in cooperation with the German affiliated company, MVV Umwelt.
MVV Energie CZ Group sold 1,016 thousand MWh of heating and 193 thousand MWh of electricity, with turnover amounting to CZK 2.9 billion.
2. 1. 2014
MVV Energie CZ Group remains in very good financial and economic health. As in the last fiscal year, 2012/2013 achieved turnover of almost three billion CZK. The Group's results can be found in the Annual Report.
MVV Energie CZ a.s. sells Jablonecká teplárenská a realitní, a.s.
17. 7. 2013
MVV Energie CZ a.s. has sold its 65.78 percent share in Jablonecká teplárenská a realitní a.s. (JTR) to the statutory city Jablonec nad Nisou and on 17 July 2013 transferred its 198 shares to the new holder that became 100 percent owner of JTR. MVV Energie CZ a.s. is to receive almost 219 million CZK from this transaction, or almost 209 million CZK if some of the contractually defined conditions are not met.
Geothermal source in Děčín is a Project of the Decade
4. 5. 2012
Děčín‘s geothermal source has won the Project of the Decade award in the journalist category, placing second in the energy experts category. 'The geothermal source in Děčín was completed in 2002 and in its 10 years of operation, the source has saved more than 190,000 tons of CO2 emissions. This is an amount equivalent to 60 block gas boiler rooms with 60 smokestacks – what we have in Děčín instead is a mere one on the right bank', the Chairman of the Board of Directors of MVV Energie CZ a.s. Václav Hrach, Ph.D. commented on the victory.
MVV Energie CZ´s revenue in 2010/2011 is CZK 2,9 bil.
3. 1. 2012
MVV Energie CZ a.s. has confirmed high stability of its economy and good preparedness for further development within its branch of business. The consolidated revenues of 2010/2011 reached the amount of almost 2.9 billion CZK, which is a value similar to last year’s value.
Personnel Changes in MVV Energie CZ Group
16. 12. 2011
Ing. Miroslav Kovářík and Ing. Tomáš Sluka, Ph.D. leave MVV Energie CZ Group. Miroslav Kovářík will not work in the Board of Directors of MVV Energie CZ a.s. and in the Supervisory Boards of the companies of MVV Energie CZ Group. Tomáš Sluka will not work in MVV enservis a.s. and IROMEZ s.r.o. any longer and will be replaced in both the positions by RNDr. Bohumil Hercík.
New Chairman of the Supervisory Board is Dr. Werner Dub
15. 12. 2011
The Supervisory Board of MVV Energie CZ a.s. elected the new Chairman at its meeting in Mannheim. With effect from 7 December 2011 the new Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the company is Dr. Werner Dub.
Personnel changes at MVV Energie CZ group
10. 8. 2011
In November 2010 Ing. Roman Mendrygal left MVV Energie CZ group and in November 2010 Ing. Pavel Herites terminated his employment at his own request. In the year of 2011 Ing. Pavel Konečný, Ing. Miroslav Uvíra, Ing. Bohumír Fíla and Ing. Miroslav Tůma left the group. Recently Ing. Vladimír Pitín has joined the management of MVV Energie CZ group.
MVV Energie CZ will utilize waste for energy production
27. 7. 2011
The company TERMIZO a.s. became a member of the MVV Energie CZ Group on 26th July 2011. 'Our company has achieved another of its strategic goals and is entering the area of waste to energy segment (WtE) that the company has been exploring on a long-term basis. The acquisition of 100% share in TERMIZO a.s. has been completed,' said Václav Hrach, Ph.D., the Chairman of the Board of Directors, while informing of the acquisition made by MVV Energie CZ a.s. in the area of WtE.
MVV Energie CZ is now producing electricity in ten towns
19. 7. 2011
Total investments in the COGEN and COGEN II projects in the MVV Energie CZ Group exceeded CZK 0.5 billion. COGEN II has brought electricity production to Česká Lípa. Cogeneration gas engines producing electricity and heat are situated in two original heating plants. The project introduced itself to customers and public in Česká Lípa in May.
MVV Energie CZ´s revenue in 2009/2010 is CZK 2,9 bil.
27. 12. 2010
MVV Energie CZ a.s. again proves the high stability of its sound financial management and good preparedness for further development within the frame of its business branch.
Mooving of MVV Energie CZ
17. 5. 2010
MVV Energie CZ a.s. will be settled on a new adress from 1st July.
MVV Energie CZ produces electricity already in nine towns
9. 4. 2010
Louny, Jílové, Děčín, Opava, and Studénka. In all these towns, the MVV Energie CZ group produces electric energy in the way of combined heat and power generation (co-generation). The COGEN project, execution whereof took 1.5 year, was completed. COGEN II will follow already in the coming autumn.
Reaction to press release of association DOST! sent 2 April 2010
7. 4. 2010
DOST! is a purpose-built and politically motivated association, and further of their press releases acknowledges our repeated statements. So far, it is only a confrontational approach of politically motivated members of this association, which will seemingly intensify with the forthcoming election.
MVV Energie CZ’s Further Expansion: Entry to Market of the Sixteenth Town, and Energy Generation by Biomass Combustion.
18. 11. 2009
Since November, MVV Energie CZ a.s. is a new 100% owner of IROMEZ s.r.o. at Pelhřimov. The MVV Energie CZ Group expanded so to 16 towns in the Czech Republic, and now is producing energy also from biomass.
MVV Energie CZ is a member of COGEN Czech association
13. 11. 2009
Association´s basic goal from 1999 is tu support simultaneous production of electricity and heat. MVV Energie CZ is a member from October 2009.
In the City of Uherské Hradiště, 12.000 kWh of electricity have already been produced
18. 5. 2009
CTZ s.r.o. a limited liability company has acceded to other producers of electrical energy within the group of MVV Energie CZ. The Project “CTZ s.r.o.’s Source Section Reinforcement”, comprising also the installation of a turbo-generator set to produce electrical energy, was completed on schedule and the plant is now prepared to be put into full operation. In this way, Uherské Hradiště accompanied other cities, such as Vsetín, Liberec and Děčín, where companies of the MVV Energie CZ’s group are producing electrical energy; here it is carried out in the most effective manner – by CHP (Combined Heat and Power) generation.
MVV Energie CZ a.s.’s Board of Directors is now complete
1. 4. 2009
As of April 1, 2009, the new member of the Board of Directors, Ing. Miroslav Kovářík will join Ing. Václav Hrach, Ph.D. Ing. Václav Hrach, Ph.D., who belongs to company’s general management since 2005, became the chairman of the Board of Directors.
MVV Energie CZ´s legal form is changed
16. 1. 2009
MVV Energie CZ was transformated to joint stock company from 1st January 2009. Ing. Václav Hrach, Ph.D., is still in head of MVV Energie CZ. Owner of company is still MVV Energie AG, which holds 100%.
15. 1. 2009
Českolipské teplo a.s. (a subsidiary of MVV Energie CZ a.s.) today became owner of the heat supply infrastructure in the town of Česká Lípa. The acquisition of a majority interest in the company along with the heat station assets has thus been completed and ČESKOLIPSKÁ TEPLÁRENSKÁ a.s. is a full member of the MVV Energie CZ group.
MVV Energie CZ has a great website
10. 11. 2008
Experts from the Web Top 100 contest have granted 4th place to the MVV Energie CZ website. In the professional energy sector website chart, MVV Energie CZ thus managed to defeat some of its competitors.
Confirmed: ČESKOLIPSKÁ TEPLÁRENSKÁ a.s. is to become part of the MVV Energie CZ Group
24. 9. 2008
On 17 September the Česká Lípa Municipal Assembly approved contracts for the sale of a heating company. Under the terms of the Shareholder Agreement MVV Energie CZ offers the town added guarantees and increases the price it is prepared to pay. The last step in closing the deal is its approval by the Office for the Protection of Competition.
Press Release - Meeting with journalists
16. 6. 2008
MVV Energie CZ was led to organise meeting with journalists on 5 June 2008 in city of Liberec by the multiplying quantity of false and inaccurate information in the regional media.
ČESKOLIPSKÁ TEPLÁRENSKÁ a.s. is incorporated into the MVV Energie CZ Group
2. 6. 2008
On 28 May 2008 the Česká Lípa Municipal Assembly decided to sell its 59.99% stake in the heating plant ČESKOLIPSKÁ TEPLÁRENSKÁ a.s. to MVV Energie CZ s.r.o.
Reaction to the press release for the “Net in Hand” (Čisté v ruce) civic initiative
6. 5. 2008
MVV Energie CZ s.r.o. and Teplárna Liberec, a.s. object to the claims made in press release of Čisté v ruce and in articles on the website
Personal changes in MVV Energie CZ concern
24. 9. 2007
Changes in MVV Energie CZ and it subsidiaries.
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