Domovská stránka > Tiskové centrum > Aktuality > The ZEVO project for small and medium-sized cities has its first positive assessment of EIA documentation

The ZEVO project for small and medium-sized cities has its first positive assessment of EIA documentation

Zásobování teplem Vsetín a.s.

The MVV Group's project for the construction of waste-to-energy facility (ZEVO), tailored to small and medium-sized towns in the Czech Republic in which central heat supply systems operate, has received its first positive decision of EIA documentation. This was granted by the Department of Environment and Agriculture for the Zlín Region, and concerns the intention to build a facility in Vsetín.

The project as such was terminated in 2019 by our subsidiary Zásobování teplem Vsetín at the request of the management of the city of Vsetín. However, the successful EIA process is a positive signal for all cities considering the construction of such a facility," says Jörg Lüdorf, Chairman of the Board of Directors of MVV Energie CZ a.s.

The motivation for the construction of ZEVO in Vsetín was to solve the problem of municipal waste disposal in the city of Vsetín and surrounding municipalities after the ban on landfilling and at the same time reduce the heating plant's dependence on supplies and the price of natural gas used. "The current jump in the price of natural gas shows that using heat from local municipal waste for heating was the right idea," says Michal Chmela, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ZTV a.s.

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