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MVV Energie CZ: The supply of heat to households will continue without fluctuations and without multiple increases in prices

Heating plants from the MVV Energie CZ energy group will increase heat prices in the range of 6 to 60%. In some locations, the prices will remain the same as this year. This depends on the fuel they use. The group, which provides heat to 70,000 households, and hundreds of companies and organizations, will pass on to customers' heating prices only a part of the rapidly rising costs of buying gas. Prices for end consumers will increase from 1 January 2022.
"As gas prices in the market have quadrupled, we decided to pass on to our customers in this extraordinary situation only part of the increased gas purchase costs. We tried to minimize the impact on family budgets," says Jörg Lüdorf, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the parent company MVV Energie CZ a.s.
Heat prices will increase the most in cities where the only or predominant source in the fuel mix is gas, whose price has risen enormously. Although the MVV group handles the purchase of commodities centrally by its parent company, and had gas supplies contracted in advance for the whole of 2022, it had to find another supplier in record time. The original trader was not able to guarantee the contracted deliveries for 2022.
Heating plants from the MVV Energie CZ group burning mainly gas are located in Česká Lípa, Děčín, Louny, Opava, Studénka and Vsetín. There, heat prices will increase by 40-60% from next year. The heating plant in Pelhřimov, which burns biomass, will maintain the same prices as before; and the Liberec heating plant, which – in addition to natural gas – largely uses heat from its sister company TERMIZO, burning non-recyclable municipal waste, will increase its prices by only a few percent. In Litoměřice, Mimoň and Uherské Hradiště, where coal is the main fuel, the price will increase in the range of 12 to 20%.
The companies will announce exactly how much the price will change in individual locations from 1 to 15 December. The MVV Energie CZ group is working intensively to secure natural gas supplies for subsequent years, so that the current extremely unfavorable situation does not recur. It already has a contract with a new supplier for the supply of gas for 2023.

The energy group MVV Energie CZ comprises fifteen companies operating in fifteen cities in the Czech Republic. The Group's parent company is MVV Energie CZ a.s., which was established in October 1993. Since 1999 the company has been a subsidiary of MVV Energie AG, a German energy group, based in Mannheim, Germany. The three main pillars of the MVV strategy are the production and distribution of thermal energy, combined high-efficiency power production, and the utilization of waste for energy generation.

Jitka Tůmová